\version "2.12.2" \header { source = "" style = "" copyright = "" lastupdated = "" title = "Baby Beluga" poet = "Raffi and D. Pike" composer = "Raffi" tagline = "" } \include "predefined-ukulele-fretboards.ly" \storePredefinedDiagram \chordmode {c:dim7} #ukulele-tuning #"5-3;3-2;2-1;o;" myChords = \chordmode { f1:7 | r | bes2 aes | cis2:dim bes:7 | ees1 | r1 | r2 r4 aes | bes1:7 | r1 | r1 | r4 aes cis:dim bes:7 | ees1 | aes | r | ees | r | f:7 | r | bes2:7 aes | cis2:dim bes:7 | cis2:dim bes:7 | cis2:dim bes:7 | bes1:7 | r4 aes cis:dim bes:7 | ees1 | bes4:7 aes cis:dim bes:7 | ees1 | } myChordsTransposed = \chordmode { e1:7 | r | a2 g | c2:dim7 a:7 | d1 | r1 | r2 r4 g | a1:7 | r1 | r1 | r4 g c:dim7 a:7 | d1 | g | r | d | r | e:7 | r | a2:7 g | c2:dim7 a:7 | c2:dim7 a:7 | c2:dim7 a:7 | a1:7 | r4 g c:dim7 a:7 | d1 | a4:7 g c:dim7 a:7 | d1 | } << \new ChordNames { %\transpose c b { \myChords } \myChordsTransposed } \new FretBoards { \set stringTunings = #ukulele-tuning %\transpose c b { \myChords } \myChordsTransposed } \relative c'' \new Staff { \transpose c b { \key ees\major r1 | r1 | r2 r2 | r2 r2 | % verse 1, 2, segno \repeat volta 3 { g4^\markup{\musicglyph #"scripts.segno"} g8. f16 ees8. bes16 ees8. f16 | g4 g ees2 | g4 g bes aes8. aes16 | g4 f f2 | aes8 aes4 f8 d4 bes,8. bes,16^\markup{\musicglyph #"scripts.coda"} | aes4. f8 d4 bes8. bes16 | bes8. bes16 aes4 g4 f8. f16 | ees2 r | c'2 aes4 ees | c'2 aes4 c | bes2 g4 bes | bes2 g | f8. g16 a8. f16 g2 | f8. g16 a8. f16 g4 f | bes2 aes | } \alternative { { g2 f | } { g2 f | } { g2^ \markup "DS al Coda" f | } } \break aes4.^\markup{\musicglyph #"scripts.coda"} f8 d4 bes'8. bes16 | bes8. bes16 aes4 g f8. f16 | ees4 r r8 g aes8. aes16 | bes8. bes16 aes4 g f8. f16 | ees2 r | } } \addlyrics { \set stanza = "1. " Ba- by be- lu- ga in the deep blue sea, Swim so wild and you swim so free. Heav- en a- bove and the sea be- low, And a lit- le white whale on the go. Ba- by be- lu- ga, oh, ba- by be- lu- ga, Is the wa- ter warm? Is your ma- ma home with you so hap- py? hear you. wak- ing. sea be- low And a lit- tle white whale on the go. You're just a lit- tle white whale on the go. } \addlyrics { \set stanza = "2. " Way do- wn yon- der where the dol- phins play, Where you dive and ____ splash all day. Wa- ves roll in and the waves roll out! See the wat- er squirt-in' outta your ____ spout. Ba- by be- lu- ga, oh, ba- by be- lu- ga, Sing your lit- tle song, sing for all your friend. We like to } \addlyrics { \set stanza = "3. " When ____ it's da- rk, you'- re home and fed, Curl up snug in your wat- er bed. Moon is shin- ing and the stars are out, Go- od ni- ght, little whale, go- od night. Ba- by be- lu- ga, oh, ba- by be- lu- ga, With to- morr- ow's sun, an- oth- er day's begun, You'll soon be } >> \layout { \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } papersize = "letter" indent = 0\mm } %\midi {}