After an usually relaxed Christmas break, I feel ready to welcome 2014 on this bitterly cold January day (it was -27°C when I woke up this morning). It helps that I’m not due back at work until Monday.

My plans for the year turned out alright: I succeeded in my goal to write short reviews here of everything I read in 2013; the total came out to 45 books, which doesn’t count a few children’s books and short graphic novels. I also more or less stopped dressing like I had walked into a Salvation Army store naked with a $10 bill, a step in a long, slow trend towards adulthood (or at least my own interpretation of it).

This year, I aspire to start taking better care of my aging body, regardless of how cliché it may be to resolve to exercise more. We’ll see how well this goal turns out.

Here’s hoping you have a year of joy and hope. As I said to a friend yesterday, may you have all the cake you deserve.
