L’hostie, estie!; too many tomatoes; digital cameras; SFU

A video rental store near here sells Catholic host wafers in their junk food collection. This is completely baffling, but if you’re at all familiar with Québec French profanity, it becomes highly amusing as well.

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Our tomatoes are bearing so much fruit that all our stakes are breaking! Yes, I know we should have used something stronger, but by the time we realized how much fruit we’d have it was too late to use a wire cage or a trellis. I suppose this is not such a bad problem to be having, as gardens go. I bought stronger stakes today, but I just hope our plants will survive our neglect. The tomatoes we’ve picked so far are tasty and it would be nice to eat many more like them. On the other hand, the low tonight is a surprising 14°C. I hope we don’t get an early frost.

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In other updates, I have now successfully enrolled in the French class and picked up the prescription goggles I ordered, although classes don’t begin until the 6th and I haven’t had a chance to go swimming yet. I eagerly anticipate both.

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I was all set to buy the Powershot A95 pretty soon, but then Canon announced a newer, better, cheaper version this week. So, I guess I’ll wait a month or so until it’s in stores. It looks really nice. I think it’s worth it, despite the fact that I want a camera pretty badly.

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Has anyone else here been watching Six Feet Under? I just watched the final episode ever yesterday, and I’m still reeling now. It’s been a while since a movie or book has made me this emotional, and I don’t remember it ever happening with a TV show. I’m glad Alan Ball decided to just make five seasons; I’m not sure how much more of this I could take. Not all the episodes are equally strong, and I occasionally got fed up of watching some of the characters go to great lengths to demonstrate just how dysfunctional they could be, but all in all it was really good, and the last 10 minutes or so of the finale made it all worthwhile. Season Four was released on DVD today, so you should be able to find it in a video rental store near you soon.
