This is an archived copy of a radical cheerleading site which hasn't been updated since 2002. More about these archives.
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Radical Cheer Soundfiles

On March 24th, 2001, the Carleton Womyn's Centre hosted a radical cheerleading convergence which cheerleaders from all over North America attended. Thanks to a local campus radio reporter who was kind enough to loan us a tape recorder, we were able to record a few of the amazing cheers from that weekend and put them here. I sort of forgot to write down people's names as they were cheering, so if you want to be credited, you'll have to drop me a note.

These are MP3 files, which you can play on your computer with free programs like WinAmp. I made the files really small so that they're easy to download, which meant sacrificing the sound quality a wee bit.

Disclaimer: Listening to these soundfiles may cause an uncontrollable urge to riot in the streets, decry systemic injustice, and fight legalized oppression. Use with caution if you are allergic to pepper spray and other forms of police state repression. Cheers may be damaging to antidemocratic corporate oligarchies, and have been shown to cause outbreaks of independent thought in independent experiments when compared to a control group exposed to a constant diet of prime time television and mainstream news media. Best used in conjunction with pom poms and a true desire to change the world.

Here are some more files, from