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Fermented Hot Pepper Sauce

This is a simple and flexible fermented hot sauce you can make using hot peppers, bell peppers, carrots, onions, tomatillos, or whatever else you have on han...

Homemade yogurt

We eat a lot of yogurt in our home, and make it ourselves to save costs. You can buy cultures such as Yogourmet in most health food stores, but that’s only s...


This recipe is from one of our favourite cookbooks, Chocolate and Zucchini by Clotilde Dusoulier (2007), which is based on the blog of the same name. Dusouli...

Butter chicken

Going through some papers, Sh. and I came across the long-lost butter chicken recipe we developed for our committement ceremony in July 2010. We fed this to ...

Orange Muffins

I write an exam Saturday. So of course I spent the evening wrapping Christmas gifts, cleaning the kitchen, baking bread, baking orange-almond cake (recipe) ...

A recipe

We acquired a neat recipe over the holidays, which maybe you’d like too. Enjoy!

Recipe for a winter’s night

Got back late last night from our holiday, which as I mentioned a few days ago was among the more relaxed we’ve had, for which we’re grateful. Renting our o...

Crêpes irlandaises

I’ve been asked for the crêpe recipe developed by my former roommate, an Irishman with a substantial appetite. I realize that crêpes are not a difficult thi...

Summer cooking

On Monday, Shannon and I invited my old friend Ann and partner Rim for dinner. They brought two types of Syrian cheese, one which comes twisted up in a skei...

In a jam

Yesterday, Sh. and I were inspired while at the market to make strawberry jam. (Well, she’s had this inspiration for a while, but when we saw seconds on sal...

Another great dinner

Shannon and I just made a great dinner from a borrowed cookbook. I need to type this out before returning it, so I thought I’d share:

Chocolate cake

Freida, a vegan baking goddess if there ever was one, asked me about this recipe when I saw her on the street yesterday, so now you all get to have it. I kn...

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