Recent posts

Don’t be a jerk

According to a recent study, almost half of all African Americans believe that HIV was designed by humans, and 15% believe it’s a form of deliberate genocide...

Cold but sunny

Over the weekend I managed to: lose my keys, make that risotto (and have a nice visit) with Aylwin, lose my spare house key, go skating for the first time th...

My family amuses me

The TV didn’t materialize, but I did manage to haul all my stuff home from Shannon’s brother’s. I am now in possession of the last of the things I left behi...

I can’t believe it’s not spring

So my computer’s working again, and now runs Debian 3.1 very nicely. It was determined that my previous motherboard was responsible for the = key not workin...


Computers suck, in case you hadn’t noticed. My box blew up while I was away (the power supply burnt out), and when I replaced it, the motherboard & CPU,...